Enoch & the Watchers
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Millennia: Four Corners of the Earth
Peace reigns in Millennia, but a new generation is born
that does not remember the former days of war and
hostility. They desire freedom from the laws of the
land. They want to break away from the Kingdom and
start a new democratic nation abroad, but will they
obtain their liberty?
Part I of Millennia begins the thousand-year
journey of a people living in a perfect world without
hunger or need. It traverses oceans, crosses lands, and
explores a new world filled with exotic creatures and
unknown beasts.
The Kingdom Age delves into the hearts of
lovers, the minds of madmen, and the dreams of fools.
It shows how even a flawless society must battle the
forces of good and evil in a land ruled by a Counselor
The Kingdom Age is the first book in the
Millennia trilogy.
The Tribulation is over. An era of peace
of prosperity reigns upon the earth in the
first book of the Millennia trilogy.